Friday, October 21, 2005

Here's a story that sneaked in quietly under the radar yesterday.

April 7, 2009. Why is that date significant?

The quote from Bill Nelson about halfway down says it all.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Observer today has an extract from Dick Morris's new book "Condi vs Hillary: The Next Great Presidential Race".

And the timing's funny - my friend Chris and I were talking just this afternoon about who the possible contenders might be next time round. It's more than likely that we won't get a real sense of how this might play out until after the midterms next year.

If the Democrats find a "Gingrich" from somewhere to sweep the Hill, or the Republican hieracrchy tears itself apart in a fit of mean-sprited recrimination, then $10 on a Hillary/Obama ticket might not seem so far-fetched...