Friday, July 22, 2005

Cops shot a guy on the subway today.

They said he was "wearing a winter coat in the summer"

So he had it coming then.

Are we sure this wasn't the Fashion Police?

About time too...

Sorry, folks, but this is one of those stories that if we read of it happening in Haiti, or Krgyzystan, or Ulan Bator, we would be perfectly entitled to wonder: "what the hell kind of sick society are those people living in where something like this can happen?"

This, of course, occurred in Florida.

Shame on us.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Was away over the last few days, so didn't get a chance to blog this piece from The Observer, featuring a meeting between two of my favourite writers.

Ho...boy! Good to know cumulative stupidity hasn't declined while I was gone.

But, sadly neither has political correctness. This from Reuters today:

LONDON (Reuters) - The word "fail" should be banned from use in British classrooms and replaced with the phrase "deferred success" to avoid demoralizing pupils, a group of teachers has proposed.

Life, huh....?

Sometimes you get what you wish for, sometimes you just wind up not knowing what you want.

I hope you know what you want.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

From the AP tonight...

OAKLAND, California (AP) Former members of the Black Panthers militant group are hoping the phrase "Burn Baby Burn" will help their nonprofit organization market a new product - hot sauce.

The Huey P. Newton Foundation, named for the co-founder of the 1960s militant group, is seeking to trademark the phrase that for many brings to mind the racially charged 1965 Watts Riots in Los Angeles that left more than 30 people dead, at least 1,000 wounded and hundreds of buildings in ashes.

The new line of hot sauce, called "Burn Baby Burn: A Taste of the Sixties Revolutionary Hot Sauce," is aimed at "anyone who wants to have an extra savory boost to their food," executive director and original Black Panther David Hilliard said in an interview.