Monday, September 19, 2005

Nothing really surprises me about this administration any more, except their complete and utter lack of shame.

Oh dear, oh dear... someone must have plenty of time on their hands, to say nothing of a pretty strange set of attractiveness parameters. Made us all laugh today, though!

Sadly, I'm prevented from entering this, but hey if you can, you should....

More gossip today about David Geffen and his possible move to buy the LA Times. Would he shut it down? Bring Mike Kinsley back in cloud of schadenfreude? Who knows.. Who really cares?

This was one of those nice stories yesterday, though, that reminds us all that we should be careful who we talk to when we think it's just a casual conversation.

Really nice piece from Slate by Jack Shafer looking at newspapers' grand tradition, while this is a pretty interesting refelection on the current marketplace.


Rick Poe, 41, a sheet-metal fabricator who moved to Sacramento this summer and was standing on the sidewalk as his car was being cleared of a downed limb, said he had not been contacted by The Bee and would not subscribe no matter what the paper offered. "I'm not that interested," he said. "I watch TV, and that's enough."

Finally, you gotta love that money-back guarantee...


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