Friday, February 04, 2005

Q: How many Bush Administration officials does it take to change a light bulb?

A: None. There is nothing wrong with the light bulb; its condition is improving every day. Any reports of its lack of incandescence are illusional spin from the liberal media. Illuminating rooms is hard work. That light bulb has served honorably, and anything you say undermines the lighting effort. Why do you hate freedom?

According to Romenesko:

"George Herbert Walker Bush is Deep Throat," says author
"Deep Truth" author Adrian Havill explains in a Romenesko letter why George H.W. Bush would have it out for Richard Nixon. "When I presented this theory to Len Garment, a former Nixon aide he demurred, saying that Bush wasn't the type of daredevil to skulk around in underground garages," says Havill. "Perhaps, but then who would have figured the former President to go skydiving in his eighties."

Seems like it's happening all over. In the middle of our own cull of the newsroom floor, something like 90 editorial jobs are to go over at the Daily Telegraph. One in six of the journalistic staff, apparently.

Here, meanwhile, things seem to have resolved themselves pretty well for me. Turns out they won't let me go this time around, which I'd sort of expected, but held out the possibility that a similar arrangement might be on the cards later in the year, after the new editorial system is bedded in.

Thanks to my colleague John Mason for this: "Students of unconvincing radio God-slots may have appreciated this morning’s Radio Two offering on world peace - "..we should hope that President Bush follows the example of Nelson Mandela...."

Yes.... this would be just the place for him.

And, it turns out the damage inflicted by these cost the equivalent of $490.

Finally, for those of you who have read Simon Hoggart's book of unintentionally hilarious roundrobin letters, the genre has leaked into the blogosphere... here's one completely at random.
Somehow the words "the drama unfolds" are starting to sound like "..but meanwhile offstage everything was falling apart" (copyright VH1 Behind The Music).

I honestly thought this was a spoof when I came across it, so apologies....

Have a nice weekend!


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