Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Crypt-o-blog today. Lots of "this's"... bear with me.

Phew! back again after playing what felt like a starring role in this.. (and I don't mean any of the cool, spy-related stuff...)

And this is fun. Isn't the web great? Isn't the world weird? Doesn't this guy have any patients??

As if regular decay wasn't enough, a friend of mine had to go and mistreat her person with one of these...

(and don't you just love a recipe that has as its ingredients "1 cup Vodka, 1 packet Gummi Bears")

Interesting piece by Timothy Noah in Slate yesterday - well, the 'newsy' part of the argument anyway. Surprised no-one else seems to have picked up on the money part.

And talking of stuff I've missed over the last couple of days, this is just great. Damn, I missed my calling... should've taken that job on Page Six...

Respectfully, of course, the news from the Vatican last night reminded me of a time last year when one of the guys on the desk overheard us talking as he was putting together his newslist. "The Pope's dead?", he said.

"No, Bob Hope's dead," we said.

"Who's Bob Hope?" came the sad, sad reply....

On a sort of related note, this typo from PA the other night:

The tortuous task of finding 12 jurors who can ignore everything they have read about Michael Jackson began in a California court today and could last for a month.
The fallen king of pope arrived for the start of his child-molestation trial in Santa Maria to be greeted by a crowd of fans shouting encouragement...


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