Monday, October 18, 2004

October 18

Voting, and thus voting-related anxiety, began in Florida today, while all indications are the ad war is likely to get even more intense as the campaign enters the final stretch.

Other states where early voting has begun include Texas and Colorado, as well as the key states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa.

Andrew Sullivan makes a good point in his Sunday Times column yesterday, on how most mainstream opinion polls - the ones that consistently show Bush just edging Kerry by a handful of points - are conducted by phone, but using exclusively residential landlines. His point is that there may well be a nexus of younger, likely voters out there who exclusively use cellphones and as a result aren't being factored into the ongoing poll numbers.

The question of course, is just how likely are they to vote, and for whom?

Despite still being behind in the polls after a clean sweep of the debates, Kerry continues to pick up more newspaper endorsements, for whatever they're worth these days.

Howard Fineman in Newsweek also points out that the president's approval rating has now slipped to 47 per cent.

Meanwhile, here's a completely unscientific poll which is probably just as accurate as any other poll of 23 people you're likely to see...

And, has everyone forgotten that whole "oxygen of publicity" thing?

Seriously, though, there's a nice piece in the New Yorker taking a look at Mark Halperin, founder of ABC News's The Note and described by Mary Matalin as "the insider's insider's insider".

And talking of making the audience active participants... this should be fun.

Finally, although it's a couple of days old, this is the first chance we've had to point folks to the by now infamous exchange between Jon Stewart and Tucker Carlson on CNN's Crossfire. Enjoy.


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