Monday, September 27, 2004

September 27

The opening debate looms, with the rumblings already starting to make it look like a possible must-win for John Kerry.

Nice piece in the Times about Rollin G Osterweis (who he? read the piece)

The Times also revisits Joe McGinniss's seminal look at Nixon's 1968 campaign, while Adam Clymer looks at why this year's debates and coverage of them are as crucial for the press as they are for the candidates.

He writes:

This is ultimately a challenge for newspapers because television isn't interested, not even the cable networks with their longer political broadcasts. Indeed after watching the coverage of the Swift Boat story, it is easy to imagine an evenhanded cable exchange revolving around a political ad saying one candidate thought the earth was round. Its sponsor would be challenged on cable by someone who said the earth was flat. In an effort to seem fair to both sides, journalists can forget to be fair to the public.

On a related note, the Columbia Journalism Review lists what it thinks are the top political reporters. Who's the most interesting name on the list? The answer will come as no surprise to anyone who reads this column regularly....

Still on the media, the chatter continues around Rathergate, while there's some interesting signals that the blogosphere is riding its wave pretty nicely thank you.

And just to illustrate how tight both sides believe the race stil is, despite some of the recent polls, particularly in swing states, every potential voting group is being targeted in one way or another.


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