Tuesday, October 12, 2004

October 12

First, apologies for this column's recent absence. It was away for a few days.

But at least it missed having to weigh in on this.

Like so many other slices of weirdness surrounding this election, if there is even one sliver of truth in it, it should have a devastating effect on the candidate. Yet, somehow, you get the feeling that it probably won't.

The latest opinion polls shows a statistical dead-heat, with Kerry still holding onto his post-debate bounce by 49-48 per cent, and President Bush's personal approval rating slipping ahead of Wednesday night's third and final debate.

Nice piece in Slate by Jordan Ellenberg on the paradox of voting, while the Post takes a look at the role of Haitian-American voters in Florida.

Democrats are up in arms about the proposed broadcast of an anti-Kerry "documentary" in the run-up to election day.

And meanwhile, life appears to go on as - almost - normal.


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