Sunday, April 25, 2004

April 25

Meet The Press today had interviews with Bob Woodward and Saudi Prince Bandar about Woodward's book "Plan of Attack" about the Bush administration's decision to go to war with Iraq.

One of the interesting things, as came out in the programme, was that both political camps appear to have been able to latch onto something in the book that bolsters their case.

The Washington Post starts a good three-part series on the nation's demographic and political splits.

On the website, which iyou can sign up to host a "party for the President" on Thursday...

The campaign's new 'Kerry Media Center' also takes the Democratic candidate to task over whether or not he owns an SUV.

With tens of thousands of people marching in Washington DC for womens' rights, Bush adviser Karen Hughes went on Wolf Blitzer's CNN show to say the President really cares about women.

And, yes, there was a September 11 reference...

"I think that after September 11, the American people are valuing life more and we need policies to value the dignity and worth of every life," she said.

"President Bush has worked to say, let's be reasonable, let's work to value life, let's reduce the number of abortions, let's increase adoptions. And I think those are the kinds of policies the American people can support, particularly at a time when we're facing an enemy and, really, the fundamental issue between us and the terror network we fight is that we value every life."


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