Sunday, March 06, 2005

Well now.... unsurprisingly it seems there's more than one account of the shooting of the Italian secret service man and freed journalist over the weekend.

The problem with this story is that it's open to a classic 'ends justifying the means' defence - all we need is some "evidence" of high-level intelligence (and isn't that a contradiction in terms for this administration?) emerging from some of these off-site torture sessions to make everyone feel that what's being carried out in their name is an essential weapon in the war on terrah!

And just in case we thought it was safe to go back on the subway, we get a warning from the Met's former chief that the sky is, in fact falling after all, and he knew it all along so it's not his fault when something terrible happens...

These are pretty funny, if more than a little disturbing. Click on the images to see the rest of the cards.

Fun with metadata! Check out the top story on the returned search. Tut tut....

On a more sobering note, I've just read about the death of Paul Smith, a former sports editor at the Tampa Tribune. I'm sure my friend Ken knew him.

Beautiful line in the obit from one of his colleagues - nothing at all to do with his work - "..the biggest thing about him was that little mischievous twinkle in his eye and a sense of how much he enjoyed life. He was a super person, and we know what a strong father and family person he was. I can still see him out at places with those big loving arms of his around his kids."

He was two years older than me. His kids are the same age as mine.

Live every moment, folks....


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