Tuesday, August 24, 2004

August 24

Just a few days to go before the Republican Convention, and John Kerry is in New York as he attempts to staunch the damage from the Swift Boat Veterans ads and the associated clamour (a task that wasn't particularly helped on Sunday morning by Jon Corzine admitting on Meet The Press that the other side's bombardment had scored a hit).

Later, Kerry appears on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

On the Swift Boat ad farrago, Dan Froomkin in the Washington Post rightly points out that the President's "condemnation" of the ad was nothing of the kind.

One aspect of the row, which maybe the Bush-Cheney camp hadn't bargained for, is the extent to which their tactics will be seen as the same strategy they employed against John McCain in 2000 and how folks can pretty easily join the dots - a point well made by Tad Devine on the aforementioned MTP.

All of which is managing, pretty darn successfully, to keep the Abu Ghraib inquiry - and the likely non-appearance of Donald Rumsfeld - out of the headlines.


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