Friday, August 06, 2004

August 6

The row over television ads by the pro-Bush group "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" rumbles on. Where did they come from? What's their motivation? Who's paying for it?

Whatever those answers, right-wing talk show hosts have been quick to use the group as a way to air their criticism of John Kerry, despite calls by Republican Senator John McCain for the White House to distance itself from the attacks.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle: "It was the same kind of deal that was pulled on me," McCain said, referring to attacks on his military record during the 2000 Republican primary race by supporters of Bush. At the time, Kerry and other senators who served in Vietnam came to McCain's defense. talks about the smear campaign and interviews Kerry biographer, historian Douglas Brinkley.

The Boston Globe, also reports that some of Kerry's critics can't seem to get their story straight, but that hasn't made the story go away - in fact it seems to have intensified their heat as the White House seeks to deflect from what post-convention bounce Kerry was able to garner.

Although there's no online link, there's a good, readable piece in this month's Vanity Fair by Michael Wolff on Bob Shrum, Kerry's chief campaign strategist. (Check out also the "New Improved Presidential Daily Briefing" item.... hilarious!)

President Bush, meanwhile, again defended the recent terror warnings while Kerry told NPR he would abolish the colour-coded national alert system for something more practical.

Finally, oops.


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