Tuesday, July 13, 2004

July 13

President Bush is still resolutely defending the war in Iraq while admitting that no weapons of mass destruction have been found, and also asserting that the US would not hesitate in the future to pursue a pre-emptive military action.

"To overcome the dangers of our time, America is also taking a new approach in the world," he said. "We're determined to challenge new threats, not ignore them or simply wait for future tragedy."

Not everyone's sure that sort of approach is going to play well with what could turn out to be a key group - folks who voted for Bush last time but are now having second thoughts.

Interesting but probably, in the grand scheme of things, not very meaningful story here by Bob Novak about Ronald Reagan Junior and what he thinks about George W Bush. An extract:

In his graveside eulogy, the son threw a dart at President Bush by saying his father never wore "his faith on his sleeve." That was just the beginning of attempts to dispel any notion that Bush was another Reagan. "My father did not know George W. Bush from Adam," he said on CNN, adding: "My father was a man -- that's the difference between him and Bush." As far as Republicans using the Reagan heritage, he said on MSNBC, "This is their war. If they can't stand on their own two feet, they're no Ronald Reagans."

Stories abound that when the GOP rolled out their famous TV ad featuring John McCain on the day that Kerry announced his pick of John Edwards, that McCain - who still reportedly hasn't forgiven the Bushies and Karl Rove in particular for his treatment during the 2000 primaries - might have promised something, say Defence Secretary?, in a second-term Bush administration.

If that's the case, such an offer could turn out to be an awful lot more trouble than it's worth.

And on the subject of rumours, how about this guy as Kerry's Attorney-General?....


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