Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Amid the nonsense emerging from Blair's evidence to MPs yesterday, and Alastair Campbell's successful diversionary tactic against the BBC, Terry Neal has a good upsum in the Post today of how the Bush White House has been floundering.

Problem is, as we know, that polls show people seem to be more than content to allow the ends to justify the means.

But hold on.

Removing Saddam, then arguing about the merits of whether or not we had a legal basis for doing so is far removed from flat-out lying about the Niger uranium connection for example.

We all know both governments were selective in which intelligence they used - what's the point of being in power if you can't reject the data that undermine your argument and choose to endorse those which bolster your case? - but it might just be the case that the fine line between bending the evidence to suit an honorably-held belief, and outright deception to help justify a political decision has, in this case, been more than blurred.



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