Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Joe has passed along an interesting site.

Ramsey Clark, the former U.S. Attorney General during the Johnson administration has drafted articles of impeachment alleging "high crimes and misdemeanors by President Bush and other civil officers of his administration". could be this year's MoveOn.

Just as Reagan committed or endorsed many more acts that were deserving of impeachment than Clinton ever did, the current president - who, don't forget, came to power after losing the popular vote - runs the risk of using the cloak of the war on terror to justify actions which in normal circumstances should at least be subject to appropriate oversight.

Today's story about the latest supposed tape of Bin Laden will just add more fuel to the fire.

Just as the story here in London today, about the army virtually taking over Heathrow Airport because of intelligence reports of a possible gound-to-air missile attack on a plane, has managed to bump the Nato row off the top of the news agenda.

Best wishes to John Kerry for a speedy recovery.

I went to his official website for more info, but it hasn't been updated for 24 hours. Somebody on his campaign team dropped the ball. More than anything, supporters and potential contributors need some reassaurance when a candidate makes that sort of announcement. It should have been all set up in advance.



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