Friday, June 03, 2005

Not really my place to say, but if it were me, and I had serious political ambitions, I'd maybe think about a name change...

Interesting story on "All Things Considered" about newspapers' forays into the world of podcasting, with links to some of the podcasts themselves. It's definitely something we're looking at here and trying to put in the context of what our next steps should be in community-building.

And this is a pretty interesting story in terms of press ownership and control.

You won't see a better deal than this all weekend, I'm told. er......

Went here the other night for a beer with a former colleague of mine who was wise enough to take the buyout package earlier this year. He now works a couple of days a week at the Sunday Times and spends the rest of the time, when he's not playing golf, at his sprawling home near the coast in Cornwall. Some folks just have it all worked out.

Having dinner tonight with her and him so should be an interesting evening.

Finally, thanks Linda, am happy to add my support to this. Have a good weekend, all.


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