Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Sean Hannity was unbelievably petulant last night with Bob Beckel, accusing him of being "gutless" for not condemning Ted Kennedy for saying that Bush went to war for "political reasons".

Good for Beckel for having the guts to stand up and say that whatever label you put on something, it might actually be true.

Hannity needs to chill out....

Meanwhile... "Gentlemen, start your enzymes!"

Nice piece in today's Christian Science Monitor; on why Dean isn't McGovern redux.

Here's a snip:

"Since the 2000 election, nearly 10 percent of voters aged 18 to 29 have shifted from the Republican to the Democratic camp, the biggest demographic swing seen in a recent Pew poll. While Bush deserves some of the credit for putting off America's youth, Dean's e-mail blitzes, meet-ups, and blogfests surely helped."



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