Tuesday, January 21, 2003

I just watched Fergal Keane's terrific piece of undercover reporting from Zimbabwe on the BBC. Well done to him and his crew. Wonderful journalism. The world needs to know what's happening there.

Interestingly, though, an important aspect of the story appeared as no more than a peripheral image.

Fergal's film showed a line of cars queuing for petrol in Harare, illustrating the economic hardships that Mugabe's rule has wrought.

But the cars were lined up in front of a BP station!

If we're serious about bringing about any kind of change to that regime, our government has to address the issue of British businesses who operate there, hand in glove with the regime.

As Jeremy Clarkson said on "Question Time" the other night; the whole furore over the cricket world cup is meaningless if the government isn't going to tell British Airways not to fly there.


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